The computers, devices, information systems, networks, and storage and computer environments (whether on premises or in the cloud) (collectively, "RTX assets"), owned by or managed on behalf of, Raytheon Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “RTX”), are only for use by authorized users for RTX business purposes and limited personal use as permitted by RTX policy. Unauthorized use is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action as well as civil and criminal penalties. Unless otherwise provided by applicable law, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications or data transmitted through or stored on RTX assets, including personal communications via third party email systems or other services accessed via RTX assets. Where permitted by applicable law, RTX may monitor, intercept, search, and seize any information transiting or stored on RTX assets without further notice and provide such information, including user identification, to third parties consistent with our Binding Corporate Rules, which may include government officials.
The following is applicable only to those users in legal jurisdictions where consent is required to make the notice above enforceable: By using RTX assets, you are deemed to have consented to the terms in the notice above. For additional information regarding RTX’s use of personal information, allowable use, and content accessibility, please visit the RTX links below: